Jag vet att det är många av er som älskar Carlisle, så här kommer ett par bilder till er! :D

Mhm, vilken är DIN favvobild? :D
carlisles top tio...

10. I’ve learned a lot over the centuries, but I’d give it all up for your smile.
9. You can show me anything, I am a doctor after all.
8. Have you ever wondered what started my scarf collection? Would you like to find out?
7. The name is Cullen. Dr. Carlisle Cullen, but I like to be known as Dr. Love.
6. Do you want to play doctor?
5. These hands are skilled and trained to save lives. Would you like to find out what else they’re good at?
4. I’m a doctor, and yes I do take my lab coat home.
3. You can call me Dr. McSparkly.
2. If you need a love doctor, I have a medical degree.
1. [Holds Stethoscope] Why don’t you listen to your heart and go out with me?
carlisles arbetsrum
Har du också alltid undrat över hur Carlisles arbetsrum egentligen ser ut, hur tavlorna som beskrivs så väl i boken ser ut?
Jag bjuder på en bild!
